Implementation of bovine traceability - real threats


It is very hard guaranteeing the origin of animals from indirect suppliers.

Even with initiatives to control the flow of animals by direct suppliers, the article points out that this guarantee may be threatened when the calf market is overvalued in relation to the finished cattle.

Under these conditions, some producers may prefer not to comply with the traceability protocols. Reasons:

  1. Lack of economic incentives for producers: the adoption of new practices in livestock, such as traceability, depends on the perception of economic returns by the producers. Without price differentials or other benefits, they may not be interested in meeting the traceability requirements.

  2. Mismatch between demand and supply of animals: the increased demand for animals finished before 30 months, driven by exports to China, created an imbalance in supply, with a tendency for calf prices to rise. This can make it difficult for direct suppliers to prove the origin of the animals.

    1. The state's difficulty in controlling illegal deforestation: government's ability to control deforestation solely through cattle traceability is questionable, since the state is unable to contain illegal deforestation with all the currently available apparatus.

In summary, the text points out that factors such as the behavior of the livestock market, the lack of economic incentives for producers, and the state's limited ability to control deforestation represent real threats to the effective implementation of cattle traceability in Brazil.

full article at NEO FEED

by Maurício Palma Nogueira


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